Food and Healthy Eating
healthy is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family!
When you eat well, you feel better and you have more
energy. You also lower your risk of developing health conditions such as heart
disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer. Eating healthy is important to
do every day for people of all ages where we live, play or work.
For more information on the main principles for
healthy eating check Canada’s Food Guide.
How can Timiskaming Health Unit support you in
having healthy eating habits?
The Timiskaming Health Unit is a team made of different health
professionals, including Public Health Dietitians, that work hard to help
improve the health of our community and prevent nutrition related diseases.
Among other tasks, Public Health Dietitians:
- Help make the healthy choice the easy choice where we live, play and work – schools, recreation centres, workplaces
- Apply
different strategies to increase food security among individuals and families
- Help
develop programs and policies that promote the health of our communities
See what else Public Health Dietitians
can do for your community.
Contact Timiskaming Health Unit if you would like work with a Public Health
Dietitian to create a healthy environment for our community.
Learn more about healthy eating:
Across the ages

Where you live, work and play