Reportable Diseases
Under the Health Protection and Promotion Act, diseases of public health significance must be reported to the Medical Officer of Health immediately or by the next working day. Diseases of public health significance can be reported by calling 1-866-747-4305 during business hours or 1-705-647-3033 after hours.
Communicable Diseases Notification Form
When reporting a disease of public health significance, please submit this form to our confidential fax, 1-705-647-5779. Reportable Communicable Disease Notification Form (N-305-CDC) (PDF Fillable Form)
Hepatitis B/C Reporting Form (PDF) (Download for Fillable Form)
- COVID-19 self-assessment helps you determine if you need further care. Take this self-assessment if you have any symptoms of illness or tested positive for COFID-19. PDF) (Download for fillable form)
Outbreak forms:
Communicable Disease and Infection Prevention and Control Resources
Influenza Activity