Car Seat Safety 
Did you know?
Motor vehicle collisions are the number one cause of death and injury for children over one year of age!
- Approximately 73% of child safety seats are used incorrectly.
- A properly installed car seat can reduce the risk of serious injury or death by up to 71%.
- 30% of children in booster seats did not meet the 40 lb weight minimum.
- 52% of children in seatbelts did not fit safely without a booster seat. (CPSAC, accessed Mar 2022)
As your child grows, their car seat needs change as well. Timiskaming Health Unit Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians are trained to help you understand when to go from a rear-facing car seat to forward-facing and then up to a booster seat. They can also advise on when your child is ready to move out of a booster seat to using just a seatbelt.
Have your child's car seat checked FREE by trained staff. They will ensure your child is riding in the proper type of seat for his/her age, height and weight, check for wear and tear, proper fit, installation and anchoring. Your child's safety depends on it. Call us today to book an appointment!
For more information on child restraints or to book a FREE car seat inspection, contact an HBHC nurse at 705-647-4305 or 1-866-747-4305.
For information on: Choosing the Right Car Seat
Ensuring the Proper Seat Belt/Booster Seat Fit (quick reference)
Ages & Stages Summary Sheets:
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