Personal service settings, such as spas and tattoo parlors, are inspected by public health inspectors to prevent the spread of diseases such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV, skin infections and nail infections. Some personal service settings may not be inspected, particularly if they are run out of private homes. For your safety, it is always best to ask if the business has been inspected by a Public Health Inspector.
Ontario Legislation
O. Reg.136/18 – Personal Service Settings under the Health Protection and Promotion Act details requirements for personal service settings. This regulation came into force on July 1, 2018 and contains many new requirements. Operators should review the complete regulation, which can be found here: O. Reg. 136/18: PERSONAL SERVICE SETTINGS
Additionally, operators are encouraged to follow the Guide to Infection Prevention and Control in Personal Service Settings. It contains best practices to prevent the spread of infection to workers and clients. It can be found here: Guide to Infection Prevention and Control in Personal Service Settings, 3rd edition
While inspectors do their best to ensure these businesses take every reasonable step to protect your health, it is important to know what to look for as a customer. Procedure specific fact sheets are available to help educate workers and customers about the necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection.

For more information, or to confirm that a personal service setting is inspected, please contact a Public Health Inspector.