The Timiskaming Health Unit assists individuals in accessing smoking cessation services in the community and online. Nicotine Replacement Therapy vouchers may be provided for a short time until the person can be assisted by the appropriate service. 

You can quit smoking. We can help.

For eligible individuals, the health unit can provide NRT vouchers that subsidize the cost of any over the counter NRT product at a participating pharmacy in the district. We can offer counselling and ongoing support during the quit journey. For more information contact the health unit.

QUIT STORIES from Temiskaming area residents:

(YouTube Videos) 


Tools for a smoke free life

Smokers' Helpline 

The Smokers' Helpline is another valuable and free service that provides personalized support, advice and information about quitting. They have a very informative webpage and text support that will put you in touch with a quit specialist who can help or at any Timiskaming Health Unit office. 

Telehealth Ontario Services: 

Speak with a Telehealth Ontario Quit Coach at 1-866-797-0000 or the number on cigarette packages, or visit their website.

STOP on the Net Are you thinking of quitting smoking?

STOP on the Net, a fully-online 10 week cessation program designed to support 18+ individuals to quit smoking cigarettes.

  • You can receive free nicotine patches and gum/lozenges mailed righ to you! Enough medication for 10 weeks of treatment. 

Benefits of Quitting (begins within minutes!)

  • After 20 minutes, Heart rate and blood pressure go back to normal levels
  • 12 hours, Carbon monoxide levels in the blood go back to normal
  • 48 hours, Sense of smell and taste improve
  • 2 weeks, Blood circulation and lung function improve and will continue to do so
  • 3-9 months, Breathing issues subside (coughing, wheezing, etc.) lung capacity increases
  • 1 year, Risk of having a heart attack drops by 50%
  • 5 years, Risk of a stroke returns to that of a non-smoker

Quitting smoking is a process.  It took time and a lot of practice for you to develop the habit and it will take time and practice to rid yourself of the habit. The following tips can help you quit successfully:

  1. Make a list of the reasons why you want to quit smoking and review it frequently.
  2. Develop an awareness of when you smoke, where you smoke and why you smoke. 
  3. Practice being a non-smoker. Try delaying your first cigarette of the day and going without a cigarette for prolonged periods at different times of the day.  
  4. Pick a quit date. Remember, there is no perfect date to quit but the sooner, the better.
  5. Discard any unused tobacco products, hide ashtrays, and place lighters/matches out of sight.
  6. If you are using Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), be sure to have read and understood the instructions for its use. 

Your quit date is the beginning of your return to the world as a non-smoker.  You were a non-smoker before, and you can be a non-smoker again.  You have prepared for this date and you can do this. 

  1. You will think a lot about cigarettes today; don’t dwell on these thoughts.  Any thoughts that try to justify having a cigarette or postpone your quit attempt is “Stinking Thinking” and must be challenged.
  2. Be prepared to experience a variety of negative emotions during the early stages of quitting including anxiety and irritability. Whatever you are experiencing, it is temporary and will pass.  Speak to your doctor or a counsellor if you need to talk to someone.
  3. Avoid looking too far into the future.  Your goal is just to get through today without smoking a cigarette. 
  4.  If you are using NRT, use it as instructed.

Expand Project expand project

The Expand Project is striving to both start and expand conversations around nicotine and tobacco amongst queer and trans young adults ages 18-29. 


Maintaining Abstinence

Congratulations!! You made it through the toughest day but you’re still in for a few challenges yet.  It’s important to remain determined and to continue to implement your strategies.

  1. Spend a lot of time in areas where smoking is not allowed (e.g., theatre, gym, spa, etc.) and avoid high risk areas or situations
  2. Drink plenty of water, stay busy, and chew gum if it helps.
  3. If you give in to temptation and have a cigarette, get right back on track.  Don’t be too hard on yourself and try to figure out what went wrong and how you can avoid making the same mistake in the future.
  4. Alcohol impairs our judgement and often poses as a trigger for us to smoke.  Avoid alcohol during the initial stages of quitting until you feel confident in your ability to remain smoke-free.
  5. Rest assured that whatever emotion or discomfort you are feeling, they are temporary and will change regardless of whether or not you have a cigarette.  Be patient.
  6. Exercise not only will assist in making you look great, it will help you feel great as well.  Go for walks, workout at the gym or try to implement some other regular exercise regime.
  7. Reward yourself.  Calculate how much money you are going to save as a non-smoker and make plans for how you will spend it.  
