Find your schools Route to School Planner!

Use these maps to:

  • Help your child plan their active and safe route to school. 
  • Find a safe and legal parking spot a 1-2 blocks away from the school and walk the last leg of the journey. 
  • Be part of the solution. Avoid contributing to dangerous congestion in front of the school and allow all students a safer journey to school. Thank you!

With education, awareness, and lots of practice, children should be able to get safely to school and home again. Children can find a safe and direct route to school with the help of their caregivers. Dangers should be identified (train tracks, busy intersections, etc.) and a designated route with safety rules should be established.

Base map and data from OpenStreetMap and OpenStreetMap Foundation

Conseil scolaire catholique de district des Grandes-Rivières (CSCDGR)

École catholique Assomption (Earlton) 

École catholique Assomption (Kirkland) 

École catholique St-Michel (Dymond) 

École catholique Sainte-Croix (Haileybury) 

École catholique St-Louis (Virginatown) 

Conseil scolaire public du Nord Est de l'Ontario (CSPNE)

École publique des navigateurs

District School Board Ontario North East (DSB1)

Central Public School (Kirkland Lake)

Federal Public School (Kirkland Lake)

Elk Lake Public School (Elk Lake)

Englehart Public School (Englehart)

Kerns Public School (Kerns Township)

New Liskeard Public School (New Liskeard)

Temagami Public School (Temagami) 

Northeastern Catholic District School Board (NCDSB)

Sacred Heart School (Kirkland Lake)

Holy Family School (Englehart)

St. Jerome School (Kirkland Lake)

English Catholic Central School (New Liskeard) 

St. Patrick Catholic School (Cobalt)

Base map and data from OpenStreetMap and OpenStreetMap Foundation

Spotted a mistake or something missing? Let us know so we can fix it! Send an email to to explain the problem. Make sure to mention which map you are referring to. 


Safety Tips for Parents

11 Steps you can take to increase your child's safety walking to school (PDF)

11 Conseils de sécurité : Mesures que vous pouvez prendre pour améliorer la sécurité de votre enfant qui va à l’école à pied (PDF)


