Drinking Water Advisories
The Timiskaming Health Unit (THU) works with municipalities and other water service providers to monitor public water systems. The THU issues advisories when water from a drinking water supply is deemed unsafe to drink. Drinking water advisories include:
Boil Water Advisory
A precautionary boil water advisory may be issued when water is unsafe for humans to drink unless it is boiled. The contaminated water can only be consumed after it has been boiled for at least 1 minute.
Reasons for a boil water advisory include:
- Contaminants like bacteria, viruses, or parasites are present in the water.
- A water main has broken, or there has been severe flooding.
- Disinfectant levels in the water are too low to treat possible sources of contamination.
- An outbreak of illness in the community is linked to water.
How to use your water safely (PDF)
During a Boil Water Advisory water should NOT be used directly from the tap for drinking, preparing food, washing fruits / vegetables, making ice, brushing teeth, or making infant formula. Boiled water or bottled water should be used.
The water should be brought to a rapid rolling boil and boiled for 1 minute. Let the water cool before use, if you are not using the water after it has cooled then refrigerate the water in a clean and sanitary container with a lid.
BOIL your water to a rolling boil for at least ONE MINUTE or you may also use bottled water to:
- Drink
- Gargle, brush your teeth or rinse dentures.
- Wash fruits, vegetables and other food.
- Mmake ice, juices, puddings, or other mixes.
- Make baby food or formula (bottled water or alternate potable supply only).
Bathing and Washing
- Adults, teens, and older children can use tap water for baths and showers,
- Small children can be given sponge-baths instead of tub baths or showers.
- Do not swallow any tap water used for showers and baths.
Dishwashers: Use a dishwasher with a high heat setting or sanitize cycle.
Manual dishwashing: Wash in hot soapy water, rinse, sanitize and allow dishes to air dry as usual. (To sanitize, mix 1 tsp. of bleach to 1 litre of water, let dishes soak in the solution for one minute).
If you have any questions regarding an advisory, please contact the Timiskaming Health Unit at 705-647-4305.
When is the boil water advisory over?
A boil water advisory stays in effect until the water is safe. This occurs after corrective action and water sampling is completed. When the water is deemed safe, an updated notice will be issued.
What to do after a boil water advisory has been lifted:
- Run cold water faucets for 10 minutes before using the water.
- Run drinking fountains for 10 minutes before using the water.
- Run water softeners through a regeneration cycle.
- Drain and refill hot water heaters set below 45 degrees Celsius (a normal setting is 60 degrees Celsius).
Drinking Water Advisory
A drinking water advisory indicates the public’s water is unsafe to use. The water cannot be used for drinking or consuming, even if it is boiled, as the water may be contaminated. The type of contamination will determine the other uses of water during a Drinking Water Advisory.
Reasons for a drinking water advisory may include:
- The Ontario Drinking Water Standards are not met.
- There has been a chemical spill or potential contamination.
- Conditions exist that render the water unsafe for use.
Find an alternative source of safe drinking water, such as bottled water. The water should not be used for drinking, cooking, making juice, and infant formula, making ice, washing uncooked fruit and vegetables, or brushing teeth until further notice. Use water from an alternate source for these purposes.
Bathing and Washing
- The instructions for using the water for bathing and washing will depend on the type of issue with the water source. Normally adults and teens may shower with untreated water if no water is swallowed.
- Older children could also be given a shower with a hand-held showerhead, avoiding the face.
- Younger children should be sponge-bathed instead of bathed in a tub because they may swallow tub water.
You should not wash your dishes with the water from your home until after the drinking water advisory has been lifted. If possible, use disposable dishware and utensils, or use water from an alternate source.
What to do after a water advisory has been lifted:
- Run each of your cold water taps for at least 5 minutes or until the water runs clear.
- Public facilities (such as hospitals and schools) may need to run cold water taps for a longer time before using the water to ensure all pipes have been flushed.
- To remove any collected sediment in the water lines, screens should be removed, rinsed, and replaced.
Current Water Advisories
Municipal Systems:
Area Involved
Date Issued
Date Rescinded
New Liskeard |
Boil Water Advisory |
Heard St. (between Armstrong St. N and Haliburton Ave. W.) |
February 16, 2025 |
February 21, 2025 |
(Updated February 21, 2025)
Small Drinking Water Systems and Designated Facilities:
Area Involved
Date Issued
Date Rescinded
(Updated )