Fall Vaccination Clinics

Don’t let the flu or COVID-19 get you down this season. Boost your protection. Get immunized!
This year, the Timiskaming Health Unit will be offering both influenza and COVID-19 vaccines at our community clinics. It is safe to receive both vaccines at the same time.
Being vaccinated against COVID-19 and influenza helps to protect you from severe disease, including hospitalization and death.
Note: High-dose flu vaccines and adjuvanted flu vaccines are recommended for those aged 65+. They will be available at community clinics from October 7 to October 18. These vaccines will also be available through your pharmacy https://covid-19.ontario.ca/vaccine-locations or with your primary care provider after October 21, 2024.
If you miss our community clinics, Timiskaming Health Unit will be offering both flu (standard dose only) and COVID-19 vaccines by appointment beginning the week of November 4, 2024.
For an in-office appointment call your local health unit:
- New Liskeard office: 1-866-747-4305
- Kirkland Lake office: 1-866-967-9355
- Englehart office: 1-877-544-2221
Immunization of high-priority groups
Individuals at high-risk for flu related complications or hospitalization
The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) advises that the following individuals are at a higher risk of influenza-related complications or are more likely to require hospitalization and should receive vaccine as soon as it becomes available:
- residents of congregate living settings (such as chronic care facilities, retirement homes)
- people 65 years of age and over
- all pregnant women
- all children 6 months to 4 years of age
- individuals in or from First Nations, Métis or Inuit communities
- members of racialized and other equity deserving communities
- individuals 6 months of age and older with the following underlying health conditions:
- cardiac or pulmonary disorders
- diabetes mellitus or other metabolic disease
- cancer
- conditions or medication which compromise the immune system
- renal disease
- anemia or hemoglobinopathy
- neurologic or neurodevelopment conditions
- morbid obesity (body mass index of 40 or more)
- children and adolescents (6 months to 18 years) undergoing treatment with acetylsalicylic acid for long periods
Health care workers and first responders
Health care workers and first responders should receive the vaccine as soon as it becomes available. This includes first responders, primary care, hospital and long-term care home staff.
Individuals with significant exposure to birds or mammals
Individuals with significant exposure to birds or mammals should receive vaccine as soon as it becomes available. This includes those likely to have significant exposure to influenza A(H5N1) through interactions with birds or mammals (such as poultry, livestock, slaughterhouse and processing plant workers, wildlife officers/researchers, and veterinarians). Seasonal influenza vaccines do not provide protection against infection with influenza A(H5N1) viruses. However, they may reduce the risk of seasonal human and influenza A(H5N1) virus co-infection and possible viral reassortment leading to a human-transmissible virus with pandemic potential.
Do you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccines?
Our clinic is staffed with knowledgeable healthcare workers who would be happy to answer your questions, or please call THU at 866-747-4305 or your health care provider to find out more.
For more information on Influenza vaccine, please visit our Seasonal Influenza webpage.
For more information on COVID-19 vaccines, please visit our COVID-19 Vaccine webpage.