The Special Food Event Permit allows a public health inspector to review your menu items to ensure that:

  1. someone with knowledge and training in safe food preparation is in charge and that,
  2. food safety procedures are practiced.

Permits are NOT required in the following situations:

  1. For a catered event where the caterer is professionally recognized and inspected by the Timiskaming Health Unit. 
  2. For an event taking place in an inspected facility where the event is run by the owners of the facility. 
  3. For a private event (members only, family-only, company events, etc.) where the general public is not invited.

Applying for a Special Food Event Permit:

  1. Read the Guide so you are aware of the requirements.
  2. Complete the “Special Food Event Permit Application”.
  3. Submit a completed form to the Timiskaming Health Unit at least 14 days prior to the event. Drop off to one of our offices or email to:
  4. Obtain permit from the Timiskaming Health Unit and post the permit in a clearly visible location during event.
  5. Be sure to obtain approvals from any other agencies that may have requirements, such as building, fire and police departments. 

Guide for a Special Event Food Permit and Application for Health Department Approval (PDF)

Guide to Special Food Event Permits


