Private Drinking Water

Households that are not supplied by municipal water may obtain their drinking water through private drinking water sources, such as drilled, dug, or sand point wells. Water testing is available FREE of charge for private drinking water sources and bottles can be picked up at any of the Timiskaming Health Unit offices main entrance. Water test results will help determine if bacteria are at safe levels in the water. To find out how to properly take a water sample, click here

Public Health Inspectors are available to help interpret these results and can work with homeowners to provide education on your water source. If you have any questions or concerns about your drinking water, contact a Public Health Inspector at a THU office in your area. 

  • New Liskeard – 705-647-4305
  • Englehart – 705-544-2221
  • Kirkland Lake – 705-567-9355 

Water Testing

It is well owner's responsibility to have their well water tested regularly. All wells should be tested at least three times a year or every three to four months. This will provide the owner with a seasonal picture of the quality of the water in their well.

Be sure to verify drop off days as we change the schedule twice per year.  Call to be sure.

New Liskeard, Englehart and Kirkland Lake: 

Well water testing - Tuesdays only in New Liskeard, Englehart and Kirkland Lake

Testing drinking water is an important part to having safe water. For information on:

  • Drinking water safety;
  • Testing drinking water for bacteria;
  • Understanding water test results;
  • What to do if you have bad test results;
  • Well disinfection;

Visit the Public Health Ontario website for information.


Sources of Drinking Water

There are three main types of water well: drilled wells, bored/dug wells, sand point wells.

If you own a well, you can obtain a free copy of the Best Management Practices: Water Wells from you local health unit office. It explains well components, maintenance, new well construction requirements, and procedures for unused wells. It also has step-by-step instructions for well disinfection and how to interpret your well water sample results.

Some people may even get their drinking water from a surface water source. Surface water is any source of water that is open to the atmosphere and is subject to runoff from the land. This includes lakes, streams, rivers, ponds and springs. Because these sources are open to the environment and subject to runoff, it is likely that the water will contain micro-organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can cause illness. The Health Unit does not recommend that surface water be consumed unless it is treated through proper filtration and a disinfection system. 



